ATTENTION: Our offices will be closed from Tuesday, March 11th, until Thursday March 13th. Normal business hours will resume on Friday, March 14th.
We offer a wide range of made-from-scratch desserts using the finest ingredients available.
“ I am sure you have heard this before, but I really am Queen City’s biggest fan. As a baker and connoisseur of only the finest foods, I can tell you without hyperbole that Queen City products are the best I have ever tasted. ” Daryl L. Johnson Associated Press New York, New York
“ Thank you, it was really, really good this morning, and not to be pretentious but I am a foodie, lived in it all my life with my dad and husband being Chefs... Your desserts are excellent! ” Marie-Cecile Pradeau-Valeruz, Director of Event Planning Marriott Hotel Perimeter Center, Atlanta
“ In working all over the world as an executive chef and now as a distributor, Queen City Pastry by far has not only the best tasting desserts, but also the most visually appealing and performing desserts available today. ” Jean-Pierre Blouin, Owner Chef!Chef!Chef!,Inc. Delray Beach, FL
“ I have been in the food brokerage business for many, many years and represented numerous companies… but I have NEVER represented a company with higher quality products and nicer people than I do today with Queen City Pastry. Their story needs to be told to every small business owner in America… quality breeds success. ” Phil McLain Affinity Group North Carolina
“ As the True European Coffeehouse in Atlanta, it is incumbent upon us to present a selection of pastries unequalled in quality and quantity. We have strived over thirty years to accomplish this and Queen City Pastry’s desserts have contributed very nicely to the Cafe Intermezzo experience! We are delighted with the appearance, taste, and their use of quality ingredients. Keep up the good work... and the great baking! ” Brian Olson, President Cafe Intermezzo Atlanta, GA